Save the Date!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Mantra Practice

  • Likhita (written)
  • Kirtan (singing)

Yin Yoga

  • Connect with the Water Element (Winter)
  • Revitalize, reset & connect

Join Nadja and Jen for an evening of year end releasing and reflection.

Jen will lead a mantra practice in two ways—Likhita (written) and Kirtan (singing).
Nadja will lead a water themed yin practice to honor the winter season. Optional hands-on adjustments will be offered.

No prior experience in mantra work or yin yoga is required, all bodies and levels welcome! Studio provides all props, and you are welcome to bring your own.

Mantra Practice

The Sanskrit word for Mantra can be split in two terms, “man” meaning “mind” and “tra” which means “release or transport.”

Think of a mantra — as a word or phrase you repeat during meditation — as a tool or instrument to help release your mind.

When we chant or write mantras, it helps us focus and concentrate better, driving away distractions, enhancing productivity because the mind gets calm and balanced. Mantras eliminate and pacify negative thoughts, reducing stress and anxiety.

There are 4 different forms of mantra practices:

Vaikhari japa – repeating the mantra aloud
Upansu japa – whispering the mantra
Manasika japa – repeating the mantra inwardly or mentally
Likhita japa – writing the mantra, while simultaneously repeating it mentally

Likhita Japa

If you read a book a few times, chances are that you’ll remember parts, but not the whole book. However, if you write a book, you’ll remember every line because writing is a more effective way to remember something than just thinking or saying it. This makes us focus on what we are doing, and gives us more purpose.

Likhita Japa engages all our senses in the practice. As you write your mantra, your eyes see it, your hands feel the pen and paper, your ears hear it, your mind is in the present moment as you focus on the mantra.

Yin Yoga Session

Winter is linked to the Water Element. The element of water is considered the origin of all life, deep, blue, mysterious and eternal.

The energy of the water comes from the many, many rains that came before us, it unfolds from mystery. The mystery that makes our life possible. This mystery supports and carries us through our life journey. This is the energy that holds all of the answers.

In cultures across the world, Water is perceived as the spiritual power that binds the awarensss of our own story, connecting us to our ancestryy and the mind. Water is simply our will.

In Daoist philosophy, this is called A MANYFOLD Will. The will that holds the relationship with the fullfilment of our destiny, the will that allow us to live the way Nature is intending us to live. Getting in sync with this way of life, is what we called destiny.

The Water Element is also linked with the kidneys organ function, adrenal gland, urinary tract, endocrine system, bones, teeth, health, development, birth and death.

This elements is linked to longevity and fertility practices. The Water Element is what connects us with the mystery of the undersold and the unknown, with Death, darkness, winter, fear, stillness, emptiness and the crossing over between living and dying, the in between infinite.

Seats are limited for a more intimate and personalized experience, so sign up today to reserve your spot!

All Levels are welcome. No prior experience in mantra work or yin yoga is required.
We look forward to seeing you!

Workshop Details

Price: $80 (props and writing materials are provided)
Date: Friday, December 16, 2022
Time 6pm – 8pm

yoga of los altos

Yoga of Los Altos
377 1st Street, Los Altos CA 94022