Nov 5, 2021
Both the body and the mind are ever-changing, and one day they will dissolve completely like autumn leaves falling from the tree branches. – Hello there, have you transitioned to Autumn? The weather cooled down, the rain and wind had made an...
Mar 20, 2019
“There is a morning inside you, waiting to burst open into light”. – Rumi In ancient China and some other places around the world, people observed that the environment, plants, and animals changed with the seasons and cycles of nature to adapt and evolve. It was...
Jul 9, 2018
Congratulations! You are pregnant and another chapter of your life has begun! There are many considerations with respect to prenatal yin yoga and you’ll likely have a ton of questions on your mind. You want the best for you and your baby, but where should you...
May 21, 2018
Hello darlings!…. – My motivation behind this post is to get everyone who hasn’t tried Yin Yoga or is not convinced of its benefits, to try it out. Why try? Because the feeling you are left with after a Yin practice is just amazing! ...